Beer coasters

Storage my beer coasters collection

My beer coasters collection is put into drawers and boxes from sweets. I have tried to store my coasters into boxes from paper in recent years. There is easy to get these boxes, but there are not very appropriate to beer coasters storage, becasue they are too small.

My beer coasters collection is sort by name of state > city > brewery and also by the coaster’s shape – circle, square, oval or other.

Here you can see the collection storage of my colleague Roman Musilek. I have not my collection in CD plastic boxes as other collectors, due to huge number of coasters in my collection, but I think that it is very good idea and I want to store part of my collection by this way in the future.

Example of not very appropriate way (by myself) of beer coasters storage is putting coasters into office boxes (photo by Martin Valentik).

Pictures of my beer coasters collection:

Storage my beer coasters collectionStorage my beer coasters collectionStorage my beer coasters collectionStorage my beer coasters collectionStorage my beer coasters collectionStorage my beer coasters collection

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