Brewery Puntigamer
Brewery Puntigamer
Brewery Puntigamer
Brewery Grieskirchen
Brewery Burgerbrau
Brewery Josef%20Sigl
Brewery Stiegl
Brewery Stiegl
Brewery Schrems
Brewery Huber
Brewery Schloss%20Starkenberg
Brewery Schloss%20Starkenberg
Brewery Schloss%20Starkenberg
Brewery Ottakringer
Brewery Ottakringer
Brewery Ottakringer
Brewery Vereinigte%20Karntner
Brewery Wieselburger
Brewery Wieselburger
Brewery Zillertal
Brewery Zipfer
Brewery Zipfer
Brewery Zipfer
Brewery Zipfer
Brewery Zipfer
Brewery Alken-Maes
Brewery Chimay
Brewery Bockor
Brewery Moortgat
Brewery Van%20Steenberge
Brewery John%20Martin
Brewery John%20Martin
Brewery Boortmeerbeek
Brewery Kazematten
Brewery Piedboeuf
Brewery InBev%20Belgium
Brewery Lamot
Brewery Huyghe
Brewery Slaghmuylder
Brewery Roman
Brewery Roman
Brewery Bocq
Brewery Bocq
Brewery Lefebvre
Brewery Rodenbach
Brewery Silenrieux
Brewery Silly
Brewery Orval
Brewery Orval
Brewery Trappisten%20van%20Westmalle
Brewery De%20Ranke
Brewery Van%20Roy
Brewery Van%20Roy
Brewery Starobrno
Brewery Aldersbach
Brewery Alpirsbach
Brewery Schlappeseppel
Brewery Klosterbrauerei%20Hubert%20Gassner
Brewery Ott
Brewery Fassla
Brewery Berliner%20Kindl
Brewery Berliner%20Kindl
Brewery Berliner%20Kindl
Brewery Berliner%20Kindl
Brewery Berliner%20Kindl
Brewery Berliner%20Kindl
Brewery Berliner%20Kindl
Brewery Gasthof%20zur%20Sonne
Brewery Bitburger
Brewery St%20Georgen%20Brau
Brewery St%20Georgen%20Brau
Brewery Darmstadter%20Privatbrauerei
Brewery Furstlich%20Furstenbergische
Brewery Furstlich%20Furstenbergische
Brewery Furstlich%20Furstenbergische
Brewery Dortmunder%20Actien%20Brauerei%20(Oetker%20Group)
Brewery Kronen
Brewery Kronen
Brewery Kronen
Brewery Kronen
Brewery Kronen
Brewery Dortmunder%20Union
Brewery Dortmunder%20Union
Brewery Dortmunder%20Union
Brewery Stifts
Brewery Stifts
Brewery Stifts
Brewery Stifts
Brewery Einbecker
Brewery Erdinger
Brewery Flensburger
Brewery Binding
Brewery Henninger
Brewery Friedenfels
Brewery Gruner-Brau
Brewery Schlossbrauerei
Brewery Gottinger
Brewery Gottinger
Brewery Gutersloher%20Brauhaus
Brewery Elbschloss
Brewery Hartmannsdorfer
Brewery Heidelberger
Brewery Friedel%20(Hochstadt%20an%20der%20Aisch)
Brewery Brauereigenossenschaft%20Holzkirchen
Brewery Karlsberg
Brewery Iserlohn
Brewery G%20Schneider%20&%20Sohn
Brewery Allgauer%20Brauhaus
Brewery Allgauer%20Brauhaus
Brewery Allgauer%20Brauhaus
Brewery Allgauer%20Brauhaus
Brewery Allgauer%20Brauhaus
Brewery Dom%20Kolsch
Brewery Kuppers
Brewery Brauhaus%20zur%20Garde
Brewery Bergische%20Lowen
Brewery Bergische%20Lowen
Brewery Gogginger%20Adlerbrauerei
Brewery Gogginger%20Adlerbrauerei
Brewery Krombacher
Brewery Krombacher
Brewery Kulmbacher
Brewery Kulmbacher
Brewery Kulmbacher
Brewery C.%20Wittmann
Brewery Langeooger%20Beteiligungs
Brewery Licher%20Privatbrauerei%20Jhring-Melchior
Brewery Licher%20Privatbrauerei%20Jhring-Melchior
Brewery Licher%20Privatbrauerei%20Jhring-Melchior
Brewery Privatbrauerei%20Reh
Brewery Habereckl
Brewery Goller%20(Memmelsdorf)
Brewery Memminger
Brewery Veltins
Brewery Veltins
Brewery Veltins
Brewery Brauhaus%20Faust
Brewery Brauhaus%20Faust
Brewery Brauhaus%20Faust
Brewery Brauhaus%20Faust
Brewery Brauhaus%20Faust
Brewery Brauhaus%20Faust
Brewery Brauhaus%20Faust
Brewery Arcobrau%20Grafliches%20Brauhaus
Brewery Arcobrau%20Grafliches%20Brauhaus
Brewery Berg-Brauerei%20H%20Mann
Brewery Paulaner
Brewery Augustiner
Brewery Spaten-Franziskaner-Brau
Brewery Spaten-Franziskaner-Brau
Brewery Spaten-Franziskaner-Brau
Brewery Hochdorfer%20Kronenbrauerei%20-%20Otto%20Haizmann%20KG
Brewery Ladenburger
Brewery Neumarkter%20Lammsbrau
Brewery Mullerbrau%20Neuotting%20am%20Inn%20Karl%20Muller%20KG
Brewery Tucher%20Brau
Brewery Tucher%20Brau
Brewery Tucher%20Brau
Brewery Tucher%20Brau
Brewery Tucher%20Brau
Brewery Tucher%20Brau
Brewery Karl%20Wagner
Brewery Karl%20Wagner
Brewery D%20Oechsner
Brewery Lowenbrauerei%20Passau
Brewery Mullerbrau
Brewery Pfungstadter
Brewery Preussen%20Pils
Brewery Radeberger%20Exportbierbrauerei
Brewery Stadtbrauerei%20Roth
Brewery Klosterbrauerei%20Scheyern
Brewery Puttner
Brewery Gritschenbrau
Brewery Irle
Brewery Hoss%20der%20Hirschbrau
Brewery Hausbrauerei%20Domhof
Brewery Hausbrauerei%20Domhof
Brewery Schaumburger
Brewery Dinkelacker
Brewery Dinkelacker
Brewery Weideneder%20Brau
Brewery M%20C%20Wieninger
Brewery M%20C%20Wieninger
Brewery M%20C%20Wieninger
Brewery M%20C%20Wieninger
Brewery Pyraser%20Landbrauerei
Brewery Schlossbrauerei%20Haselbach
Brewery Schlossbrauerei%20Maxlrain
Brewery Gasthof%20Kundmuller
Brewery Gasthof%20Kundmuller
Brewery Puls-Brau
Brewery Erzquell
Brewery Burgerliches%20Brauhaus%20Wiesen
Brewery Wolframstubn%20|%20Zoigl
Brewery Privatbrauerei%20Bischoff
Brewery Zwiefalter%20Klosterbrau
Brewery Oddity
Brewery San%20Miguel
Brewery San%20Miguel
Brewery Damm
Brewery Ogham
Brewery Lambicus
Brewery Lambicus
Brewery Lambicus
Brewery Lambicus
Brewery Lambicus
Brewery Lambicus
Brewery Lambicus
Brewery Moritz
Brewery Moritz
Brewery Moritz
Brewery Moritz
Brewery 5%20Titius
Brewery Alhambra
Brewery Alhambra
Brewery Rec%20Brew
Brewery Mager
Brewery Mahou
Brewery Mahou
Brewery Mahou
Brewery Mahou
Brewery Mahou
Brewery Mahou
Brewery S.A.%20El%20Aguila
Brewery S.A.%20El%20Aguila
Brewery S.A.%20El%20Aguila
Brewery Companyia%20Artesana%20Maians
Brewery Grupo%20Cruzcampo
Brewery Grupo%20Cruzcampo
Brewery Grupo%20Cruzcampo
Brewery Grupo%20Cruzcampo
Brewery La%20Sitgetana
Brewery La%20Sitgetana
Brewery La%20Sitgetana
Brewery La%20Sitgetana
Brewery La%20Sitgetana
Brewery La%20Sitgetana
Brewery La%20Sitgetana
Brewery Twins
Brewery La%20Zaragoza
Brewery La%20Zaragoza
Brewery Oedipus
Brewery Grolsche
Brewery Grolsche
Brewery Grolsche
Brewery Heineken
Brewery Heineken
Brewery Heineken
Brewery Heineken
Brewery Heineken
Brewery Heineken
Brewery Heineken
Brewery Heineken
Brewery Heineken
Brewery Heineken
Brewery %27t%20Smakt
Brewery Koningshoeven
Why... This web was originally created to arrange my personal beer coasters collection . In these days is main website function in simplication of beer coasters exchange with other collectors.
How... I wanna find other beer coasters (beer mats) collectors thanks to the combination of Google and my website and therefore enlarge my collection not just for abroad coasters, but also for Czech export beer coasters .
Plus... I would like to share information about the beer coasters - country of origin, brewery, city ... - with other collectors to help them with organization of their collections.
You can find large beer coasters images here - the resolution is more than (1000*1000)px - there are also pictures of my coasters for exchange , links to other collectors or new beer coasters in my collection. Do you miss something on the website? Write me !!!
My beer coasters collection is put into drawers and boxes from sweets. I have tried to store my coasters into boxes from paper in recent years. There is easy to get these boxes, but there are not very appropriate to beer coasters storage, becasue they are too small. My beer coasters collection is sort by name of state > city > brewery and also by the coaster’s shape – circle, square, oval or other...
Beer coasters or also called beer mats were used in the 19th century for the first time by the poor barflies to prevent from the insect (wealthy beer lovers owned porcelain mugs with a top). The first coasters were made of wooden felt. Instead of this material beer coasters (beer mats) was also made of porcelain (mostly before WW2), glass, cork, plastic and nowadays beer coasters (beer mats) are mostly made of paper.
The very first information about brewing in central Europe is from 1088 AD. Brewing was possible for everybody who had necessary instruments, but just in the few following centuries. This is quite an interesting fact because of the future effort to limit making beer for only specific group of people by laws and privileges. The first important privilege which...
The web pages are about collection of beer coasters (beer mats) and collecting of the beer stuff in general. For the collectors it is possible to choose coasters which I have for exchange or propose me coasters which you do not find on the web. Coasters are scanned in two sizes at this time. After click on small picture, which is displayed when you are looking for coasters in some brewery, it is shown a picture in full size (older coasters do not have this large pictures so you will see the small picture again). It is also possible to use search field for viewing coasters (it is placed under the main menu of the web). A section Collectors contains contact to beer coasters (beer mats) collectors, but also to collectors other beer stuffs. When you click to link News it will be shown list of coasters which was add to collection recently and also list of new coasters to exchange.
Except of the coasters I have also several hundreds of labels and crowns , mostly from abroad, so if you are interested in them write me an email and I can send you list the stuffs or photos.
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Beer coasters (beer mats) collector
<a href="" title="Beer coasters (beer mats) collector">Beer coasters (beer mats) collector</a>
Beer coasters (beer mats)
<a href="" title="Beer coasters (beer mats) collector">Beer coasters (beer mats)</a>
Vladimir Gerlich
<a href="" title="Beer coasters (beer mats) collector">Vladimir Gerlich</a>
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